It is still the time of the dragon. Synchronistic unfoldment. The new moon is Friday – let the fire drake clear space for the new. Do some nice yogic twists and exhale deeply. Burn through those things that no longer serve.
Some dragon sightings include;
Fire drake appears in a card reading

Exotic photos a friend sends captioned as gargoyles (dragons)

And posts about dragons- Dragons In Trees, by Friendly Fairy Tales
There were more that slip my mind at present.
Here’s how to consort with a fire drake in meditation.
Get a spicy, smokey perfume blend going on. I made one of cassia (cinnamon), clove, frankincense, patchouli, benzoin, rose, and several oranges. It came out lovely, though a little too much cinnamon. I wished I had some actual Dragon’s Blood resin. And something super smokey. Next time.
Moving on – light a candle and anoint yourself.

Get sovereign, centered and grounded. Breath deep. Relax. In your mind’s eye go to an ancient circle of standing stones. There is a faerie mound in the center. Go inside, down a long stairwell. Down down down. Revealed is a chamber with a simple altar. Lie down and let yourself be transported to a meadow of summer flowers.
The sun is at it’s highest, and it’s heat intensifies the flower’s scent. Lemony-spicy Bee Balm.
Tall grasses. Fiery, peppery Black Eyed Susans and Ecinacea.

The meadow hums with bumble bees and a fly whizzes close by. Butterflies flutter. Heat drowsiness ensues. From the waves of heat is a materialization, a fire drake.

Okay, okay, it’s Missy…
Back to the meditation.
You may speak, beseech it to burn through stuck places of your psyche. Perhaps even open your eyes and name the stuck things one at a time and burn a toothpick for each one. (Keep a glass of water handy to toss the toothpicks in.)

When you are satisfied, thank the dragon and return to the alter. Exit from the mound the same way you entered. Stretch and breath. Exhale deeply