Here’s where I smell some perfumy stuff and jam on whom they’d be if they were a whom or a what.
Uplifiting and charming, you tickle me. Like a mischievously cute faerie with a penchant to please. Upbeat and fun, that feel good friend always so easy to be around. I feel you in my chest, my lifted-chin-smiling-sunshine gaze.

Funny that your beautiful and sweet scent heralds from a small, inedible, unattractive type of lime. Hmmm. yet somehow it makes sense that you are an Italian fruit – as in the Italian commedia dell’arte character, Arlequino.

You smell like green and fresh.

I confess I fell madly for you at 18…
in the (non-natural) perfume – Shalimar, by House of Guerlain. You are often present and ever popular in many perfumes. Yep, you are a sparkle note in the classic Eau de Cologne.
You are the dog that all the other dogs want to playfully chase.
You are sunshine with a touch of black pepper.
When you are a yoga pose, you are like my dear friend and yoga teacher, Tomoko Morganelli, in Dancer Pose.

Tomoko posed for me at 6:30 am! Look how she is laughing! Such a Bergamot type person.
And if you are a silks drop/trick you are like this drop performed by my silks teacher (and professional performer) Zoe Sheppard and my classmate Alicia Hauge. (I got them right after an hour and a half of training, again, ridiculously early. Both these amazing ladies are also super upbeat, playful, and fun.) Click here to watch them casually pull off a one and a half. Notice the lift at the beginning followed by the playful and exciting tumble.
It’s no wonder the lovely scent is a perfect compliment to the tea, Earl Grey. Cuppa’ tea, love? Twill lift your spirits and warm your heart…

Here I am buzzed on Earl Grey, studying perfumery, old skool, from a book…

Bergamot, just thanks for being you.