We need more beauty, and liberation! I know I always and ever do. Having an opportunity for both I escaped to Koehler, Wisconsin. Exploring an Austrian mansion plunked down in the woods with a wildflower prarie for a backyard cozied inside a loopsy curve in the Sheboygen River. Called River Bend, built by Koehler as his Governor’s house.
The inspiration for the mansion was this Shakespeare quote, “Tongues in trees, books in the running brooks.”
I spent my time meditating and reading and eating fantastic food on the patio, and reading some more…

Here’s by the river where I read this perfection from Fire in the Head about Celtic Shamanism by Tom Cowan.
Beauty before me, with it I wander Beauty behind me, with it I wander Beauty below me, with it I wander Beauty above me, with it I wander.

After which I did indeed wander in beauty on a path flanked with fat beavers plus the river to one side, and a wildflower prarie with deer on the other.

Out back, and the patio for dining…

Creeping around the house after dark…

discovering little details…

and the parlor and library…

and this ominous Austrian trunk in which Koehler, Sr. had allegedly immigrated with his possessions.

(Um – what is going on here, anyway? Maybe don’t wanna know.)
But, were there any faeries, you ask?

Of course!
Hidden in little rock caves,

and most certainly behind this curious little gnome door…

I hope you are liberated by a massive dose of beauty real soon!