The heart…
Deep purple-red and regal flicking as a fire queen. Fierce loving. Verdant rich with honeyed ambrosia like the slip of an absinthe sylph undulating the Anahata Chakra of the Heart – green. Full loving. Yellow like the gleam of sunshine splashing the earth’s flora and your beloved’s flesh at day’s end. Golden light love. And pure like the scent of a rose, a lone and potent stalk of lavender, the crystalline lily. The scent of love. All these things.
I still believe in you, heart.
Over lunch my friend asks, what was the most valuable thing I learned about people from teaching drama to children for 17 plus years. I can answer in a flash, because I cherish this lesson, what I learned. What I saw and experienced. It is that the heart is good and loving.
Closing eyes, and resting hand on heart, you may feel it. Even though bruised and clumsily veiled. It is. Good and loving.
I’ve experienced it in children. Witnessed it in my adult yoga students too. I asked them to put hands on hearts, their own hearts, and saw bodies soften, auras shine.
Anyone can prove me wrong. Sure. Easy-peasy. Logic slashes and shreds in endless lists of horrid misdemeanors.
But maybe… What if… I refuse to let my mind lead me astray with these thoughts. Hold onto power. Don’t give it away. Because it really can become dreadfully veiled with dire consequences. Just sit and feel my heart. And watch my mind. Keeping it on my heart.
And from there I open my eyes and go out in the world and listen and really see.
And then I act.
Yes. I still believe in you, heart.
Will you join me?