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Happy Summer Solstice Meditation

Writer's picture: DoreenDoreen


Can you feel it?  The pulsation of energy and expansion.  Summer is a time of unfurling and ripening, an outward – yang season.   A genial time for delighting in the company of others and for self-expression.


Lime Blossom


victorian ladies gone fae!  This reminds me of a circus contortion blog – click here to read it!


unicorn mug!

To connect with this genial and expansive energy, find some time to honor your connection with the sun and the start of summer.  Be quietly with yourself and wildly with others.  Or wildly with yourself and quietly with others!

Summer Solstice has become quite the holiday, as in days of yore, so most of us are aware it is the official kick-off of summer.  It’s also a day when the veil between the faerie and mortal world is thin and contact can be made.  Hence for me, reading the faerie cards is a must…


I also like to leave gifts for the fae;  nuts, cheese, honey, whiskey…  They flutter about and absorb the essences.


Meditation and Faerie journeys are wonderful to get into the faerie summer spirit.

Here’s a faerie journey/meditation…

To start, you may like to use scent and aromas.  Jasmine is a beautiful transportive scent.  I’ll be using my DuskBlossom Perfume.


DuskBlossom Eau de Parfum can be found here.

And I’ve been playing with essential oil of Mugwort lately.  Honestly, it does not smell so yummy, but is reportedly great for accessing the faerie and astral worlds.  You may use these by applying to wrists and hands or temples.  If you are pregnant you should avoid Mugwort.


Next, take a moment to center yourself and breathe deeply.  Close your eyes.  Feel yourself connected to the earth and simply feel your body from within.  Try not to judge, just let yourself be and observe.

In your mind’s eye, picture yourself in a sunny meadow filled with flowers.  The sun is high in the sky.  As you are enjoying the warmth of the sun you see at the edge of the meadow a white deer, stag, or unicorn.


Slowly approach it and see if it is friendly towards you.  Perhaps it will let you gently stroke it’s neck.  Perhaps it will let you climb up on it’s back.

If it does not seem like a good choice to climb up.  Just enjoy your visit, thank the creature, and go back to your meadow and sit and feel the effects of the visit.

If you are able to do be on the back of the creature.  Let it take you for a ride.  Observe what you see and feel.

When the ride is complete, go back to your flowery meadow.


Contemplate what was revealed to you.

Here’s where we use the sun.  Allow the bright brilliant light of the sun to illuminate anything you felt, saw, or thought.  You do not even need to understand intellectually.  Just let it be filled with sunlight.

Enjoy this sensation.

When you feel complete, stretch and yawn, allow yourself to awaken,refreshed and energized by the sun.

Finally, pet your dog, even though she has barked throughout your meditation and stepped all over your faerie card spread.




Happy Summer!  Blessed Solstice!


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