The return of light, may yours sparkle and delight!
My sincerest wish that you shine your inner light on your dreams and your unique beauty. Let the rest stay in the darkness… Bring forth your beauty!
Here’s a free range faerie location update. Missy and I have been in a little cottage in Michigan where we are staying for three months! It is the longest we have stayed anywhere since last February. We love it.
We go for long nearly daily walks in nearby Grand Mere State Park. Exploring trails trekking up and down the sandy dunes on Lake Michigan’s waterfront. Several varieties of Oaks and plenty of of deer and some foxes. We’ve watched it changed from peak fall to deep winter. Beauty and quiet. I feel full with it.
I’ve also been quite busy with seasonal markets in nearby Chicago, so haven’t been on here blogging quite as much. It’s been great introducing folks to verdant faerie fragrances and reading the amazing Mermaid Oracle deck for them.
Here are some recent pics of our life…