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Free Range Faerie Telepathic Blog

Writer's picture: DoreenDoreen

The Magical Telepathic Blogs

If you’ve used your telepathic abilities you would “know” all of the blogs I’ve been writing in my head (and not here.)  You’d know all of the beautiful and inspiring things I’ve seen and thought as I travel around, wanting to share…  The doubts and revelations…



You’d know of my beautiful Michigan blogs, about where I re-learned to love the quiet of winter snow.  My companions were pines, dunes, Lake Michigan, my perfumery studies and of course, Missy.

(no wifi, which was kinda nice.)



Maya Riviera


Of surf and sunshine with my dear mom and some little plastic faeries.  Where I realized relaxing is different than just being calm.

No Missy.  😦

(no wifi at the beach, real nice)



Mexico City


 I’m sure you loved my pictorial blog about the oodles and oodles of jaw-dropping art and architecture in Mexico City.  A whirlwind tour with my parents and their company, Mexi-Mayan travel.  Mexico City and its surrounding area  is chock full of treasures!

(Too busy for wifi – surprisingly nice!)





And didn’t you just devour the Chicago blogs? Highlighting more art and architecture.

But most importantly the blog written from my south-side Beverly, artist garret celebrating the completion of my course of study at the Natural Perfumery Institute.  Hooray!


Finishing two perfumes… Dusk Blossom and Invisioning Roses

(And becoming most shamefully addicted to Game of Thrones… no blogging, urp.)

AND then the blog announcing the crowd sourcing campaign to raise money for the verdant faerie scent salon start-up!

The world really is full of wonder and kindness and support.  It took me a good 6 months to a year to have the guts to come out and ask for this help.

You know that demon that shouts repeatedly, “NO, YOU ARE NOT DESERVING!!!”  The beastly voice that keeps you from creating and sharing your gifts…  That ogre, claws embedded in my shoulder, mouth hot in my inner ear.  But I kept dreaming and invisioning.  Walking in woods for inspiration.  Yoga for peace and aerial silks for strength.  Visiting faerie realms while drowning the horrid voice in Bulgarian rose absolute.  Enchanting the monster with Sandalwood and tiny dancing plastic glow-in-the-dark faeries.  Washing clean in Lavender and Neroli.

And finally when I was ready, support was there!  And I am grateful and humbled and joyful…  (And still accepting donations.)

Maryland Now


 Here I am surrounded by Lulu’s faeries, loved ones, cherry blossoms, Missy and the verdant faerie perfumery.


Look at these new packaging supplies!

Elegant 5 ml bottles for precious perfumes, and dried rose petals, just because….The rest of my supplies will arrive soon, and I will have a thrill of a lifetime blending my perfume formulas.

The official launch date is April 24th at a live event at Invision, in Chicago and with an Etsy store.

It will be a simple start regarding labels and that sort of thing.  But I feel confident in the magical perfume blends and in the quality of the ingredients I will use.

More soon about the opening!  (NOT telepathic.)

Non-Telepathic Blogs

Well, I still hope to write those blogs, and lots more, in case we are not telepathically linked.  And still on the move.  But I am totally open to a rendezvous in the faerie realm as an alternate to blogs or telepathic communication.  Just lemme know.

Dear Reader!  Thank you for visiting!


Free Range Missy


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