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Fae on Friday – Gnomes and Friendships!

Writer's picture: DoreenDoreen

“A friend is a loved one who awakens your life in order to free the wild possibilities within you.” ~ John O’Donohue

Happy Fae on Friday!

Today I am thinking about friendships, new and old.  Their treasure…

Writing from Maryland where I am visiting with long-time friends and where I met these gnomes in the homes of a new faerie friends.  I felt a tiny (just a teeny-tiny bit) bit guilty running off in the middle of the week to play when I maybe should have been working…

But I was reminded how important it is to connect and savor the friendships.

Coincidentally, I was working on the description and art for my soon to be released perfume Anam Cara (April 24th and 25th).  Which means soul friend from the Celtic tradition.  The poet and philosopher, John O’Donohue, writes rhapsodically about the meaning of Anam Cara in his book of same title.

Here are a couple of pics from my wild gnome day of friendship and Anam Cara…


A beautiful Family home turned bed and breakfast.  I loved touring the rooms – beautiful! Here is the link!  Bayfields Bed and Breakfast.  Highly recommended!


More new friends.


My new friend, Rosie, wandered off to pasture on her own.


The sisters, Holly and Rawbin,  and dogs walking back through the woods after collecting Rosie.


When we return, Maryland Faerie Festival‘s Unicorn is neighing a hello to Rosie.  (click here to find out about the festival.)  Or read about it in my blog – click here Maryland Faerie Festival 2015.  Can you see her on the left?


A quiet spot to contemplate Gnomes, Mermaids, and friendship…

May your days be filled with friendship and love!  And share this blog with your Anam Caras!


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