Remember reading The Triolgy (Lord of the Rings) and wantin’ some of that Lembas (elf loaf)? I remember family road trips, staring out the window imagining I was riding a horse through the woods, my pack equipped with Lembas. And maybe natural perfume…
For a Fae On Friday change I thought I’d share a recipe that is Lembas worthy. And its paleo, vegetarian, gluten free, high protein, super easy and delicious. I’m faerlie obsessed (snigger).

Elf Loaf
Heat oven to 350 degrees.
6 eggs
1/3 C olive oil
2 tsp salt
1/2 C each (raw):
sunflower seeds
pumpkin seeds
ground flax seed
sesame seeds
hemp hearts
Mix together above and pout into a parchment paper lined loaf pan.
Bake at 350 degrees for 45-55 minutes.
Let cool, wrap in Mallorn leaves (or wax paper).
I love this bread plain, or with unsalted grass fed butter, cheese, honey, or avocado with smoked salmon. Fantastic with tea! And Faerie Magazine! A wonderful Yule Loaf!

How about you dear Reader? Did you pick at your crumbs imagining they were precious bits of Elf Loaf?