Happy May Day!
Rise and put on your foliage, and be seen To come forth, like the spring-time, fresh and green, And sweet as Flora. Take no care For jewels for your gown or hair : Fear not ; the leaves will strew Gems in abundance upon you ~Robert Herrick, “Corinna’s Going A-Maying”
Today, on Beltane, I send you wishes for virility, fertility, and joy in the pulse of spring and life. May all your seeds blossom and find glorious expression on this verdant earth!
Beltane or Celtic May Day begins at moonrise on May eve. Bonfires were lit, and hand-fastings (pagan marriages) were traditionally made. Fertility was celebrated by dancing round the Maypole, a phallus symbol representing the male God. The colorful ribbons and flowers on the Maypole symbolize the Goddess. Hence the Maypole dance is a sensual celebration of the union of Goddess and God. Parties could get pretty wild.

By Pieter the Elder Brueghel, the Elder, 1590
It is also a time when Fae presence is near to mortals. Falling asleep under a Hawthorn on May eve will result in the faeries whisking you away. I should like to try this! Robin Goodfellow is often associated with May Day. Half man and half goat he was noted for his mischievous pranks AND the seduction of mortal maidens.

Would you party with this man?

He looks pretty safe…
Green is the color of spring, fertility, and healing. Here is a little magic, earth-centered meditation you can do:
If you have an inspiring natural scent, put some on! I like the verdant faerie perfume DuskBlossom for this meditation.
Sit or lie quietly. Take some deep breaths and check in with your physical body and note how it feels. Just observe. Then take a few more deep breaths and allow any tension to dissolve.
If you are not out in nature imagine in your mind’s eye, that you are in a beautiful meadow. Feel the pulse of the earth, hear the birds singing, note lovely, earthy smells.
Then let your breathing slow. As you inhale imagine/feel the verdant energy of the earth and breath in its green energy and color. As you exhale, breathe out gold. You are an alchemist! Take several more breaths like this. Then move on and imagine green energy absorbing into every cell in your body and the bubble of space around you, your aura. Again, as you exhale, gold emits from every cell and your aura.
Linger like this as long as you please. When you are finished, thank the earth and open yours eyes. Stretch.
Tonight I’ll wear some DuskBlossom and do a Beltane card reading…

Available in my Etsy store! Just saying…

How about that sexy goddess blade?
However you celebrate this May Day – I wish you vibrant, verdant, sensual, raw, wild, powerful energies!

Faerie aerialists on Forget-Me-Nots

Lilacs in bloom

faerie in flight