After a year and a half of travel this beautiful Tara returned to me.
She was with me in my condo before my beloved nomad year. Another lifetime ago it seems. A treasured gift from one of my parent’s many travels. She was my companion in plenty of my ‘dark nights of the soul’ as well as joyful days of dancing yoga in the sun.
When I went nomad she was tucked away in a friend’s space.
And now she is returned. Upon opening her storage box and seeing her, I gasped, with pleasure. I nearly forgot. But I remember now…
Tara was returned to me to coincide with the flash of beauty in death that comes with autumn’s spectacular blaze of vibrant leaves before the deep sleep of winter.
Both remind me to treasure the beauty of things passing. To enjoy the cycles of life. And to allow myself rest and reprieve when the time is right. To ready myself for rebirth. And beauty.