Everything is happening all at once. Yes, let’s go with this. The reason why time appears to be passing in a linear fashion is merely our perception.
Let’s shift our perception.
I slip into a green gown and visit a field to honor the last green days before the Autumn Equinox and I realize I have done this before. As an ancestor? In another lifetime? And I’m doing this again in this lifetime, as me. Or rather, I am doing it simultaneously. It is happening now.
Later, as I am writing this, it is still happening!
I am the I that finds the goddess in the earth in the old ways of the Slavs. I dance with her in timeless connection in a sacred grove of trees. I know the goddesses and gods I honor grow with me and that we are strengthened together. So I choose whom I honor wisely, according to my heart’s desire. When I honor them, I honor my heart. Wholeheartedly.
I stand in wonder. The wondrous I that I am. I. Am.
The sacred grove stands ready. So am I.
Kind Reader – Thank you for visiting! AGAIN!
(Cause this already happened, or is still happening, or…)
