Experience fine artisan perfumes created in wee Tinkerbell size batches composed of natural, botanical, ethically sourced, furry friendly, faerie approved materials. Inspiration is found in mythic realms, the crystalline beauty of our earth, and the old ways. After visiting the perfume offerings, please browse around the Imaginarium and Blog for ephemeral inspirations.
Faerie Favorites

Botanical & Imaginal Alchemy

"I have gradually fallen in love with Verdant Faerie perfumes, and Doreen's creations have become part of my daily ritual. I used to think I was not much of a scent lover, but it turns out that I just didn't like the commercial perfumes with their synthetic aftertaste. I find VF perfumes to be luscious and inspiring and am so glad I discovered them!"
~Anna, Artist, Chicago, USA
"Five Shamrocks! Cúig Sheamróg!"